Ever wondered why you’re always in a hurry, especially in the mornings? Well, if you’re like most people, then your morning routine is probably nonexistent. We get up late, go through the closet in a rapid search for clothes, skip breakfast, and we’re out the door in 15 minutes.
Editor’s note: Another great guest post by Kai. Thanks Ev!
Unfortunately, although running to catch the bus or train might burn some calories, arriving sweaty and still late at the office is never a good thing. In order to avoid this jumble of events, implement a morning routine that will have you starting each day on the right foot!
Make Yourself a Delicious Smoothie
Fresh fruits and vegetables do their magic best when they’re consumed on an empty stomach. Instead of going for that cup of coffee first, take the time to throw in some strawberries, bananas, avocado, orange juice, or whatever your taste buds desire.
To avoid running late, wash the fruits the night before and place them in a bowl, in the fridge. This way, you can save some time and meet the day with a boost of energy!
Exercise a Bit to Get the Blood Pumping
In case you’re not training for the Olympics, 15 minutes of exercises per day is all your body needs to stay fit. Going to the gym requires for you to pay a monthly fee, take a change of clothes with you, hygiene products and towels. Basically, you’ll need to carry a big bag with you every day.
If you want to build your own CrossFit gym at home, you should know it is not that hard, and it will save you the time of driving back and forth, plus the money spent on gas and membership.
Take a Caffeinated Shower
After you’ve burned all those calories, you can invigorate yourself with a warm shower. The water will relax your muscles, so you’ll also avoid muscle cramps.
There are a number of shower gels and soaps available that have a high caffeine level. Wouldn’t it be nice that instead of getting tired from a workout, you could feel energized? Some of them will deliver enough caffeine that you could even skip your regular cup of coffee.
Meditate and Make a List For the Day to Come
It may be hard at first, but try to relax yourself enough to start thinking about what’s important to you. Meditation helps us put things into perspective. If you’re having troubles with a coworker, take a deep breath and instead of getting angry, find a way to fix the dispute.
The second step is to put on paper your goals for the day. Be realistic and keep things simple!
Don’t Turn on Your Computer
We’re all addicted to the Internet and usually the first thing we do in the mornings is to check our e-mail, while the last one we do at night is to charge our phone.
Consider that you’ll spend the entire day with your eyes looking at a computer, so at least in the morning, try to stay away and avoid checking every social account you have. Give your brain and eyes a break from all the devices and solve a puzzle instead or read some pages from a book.
Make the Bed and Put Things in Order
Making the bed will take you 5 minutes at the most, so why not do it? This way, when you’ll return home, you’ll be awaited by an inviting bed that is nicely made.
Also, by cleaning things up a bit, such as washing your cup of coffee, plate and taking out the trash will trick your brain into organizing mode. As long as your subconscious thinks that all is in order and everything is set, you’ll have a positive state of mind, besides a clean home to come back to!
Pack Your Lunch
Eating on the run is never good or healthy. Finding something to eat between meetings and tasks will make you turn towards the first type of food you can find. Most of the times, this means that you’ll have a poor and low nutritious meal.
By packing your lunch in the morning, you’ll know that if you’d like a snack or something more substantial, your lunch is right there to save you. This will also allow you to keep track of how many calories you eat daily, and you’ll also make sure that your diet contains enough fruits and vegetables.
These seven hacks are the way to go, not only for a brighter morning, but for a healthier life as well. Set your alarm a bit earlier and you’ll be surprised to see how many things you can accomplish before getting to work.